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Conflict Transformation & Integrated Peace Building Program

Inter Community Peace Building Program

CPI - Kenya’s flagship program is the Inter community Peace Building program implemented in four (4) Counties in North Kenya, namely Marsabit, Samburu, Baringo and Isiolo. The Program uses a Human Rights Based Advocacy (HRBA) approach and targets multiple actors including children and families as key catalyst of inter-community and inter-generational conflict transformation and also women, elders/men, warriors, leaders and government officials. The peace building projects have facilitated and sustained peace among the Gabra and Rendile and Turkana and Gabra in  Marsabit County. Samburu and Pokot and Turkana and Samburu in Baringo and Samburu Counties and Borana and Turkana people in Isiolo County in the last 12 years. Currently Children Peace initiative Kenya is implementing inter community peace building project with Ilchamus and Pokot tribes in Baringo south and Tiaty sub counties in Baringo County.

Interaction For Peace Program (I4P)

Interaction for Peace Program is a school based project that trains primary school children to become peer mediators for peace in their schools, families and wider community. The children are equipped with knowledge, values and attitudes that enable to them resist violence and appreciate peace. CPI Kenya implemented Interaction for Peace program in 11 schools in Nairobi’s Kibra Constituency and Parklands and in Rongai in Kajiado County for three years. Interaction for peace project with young people establishes peace patrol members in schools to help their peers resolve conflicts in a peaceful way. Peace patrol training transforms the consumer into peaceful problem solver and a believer in non-violent ways of handling conflict.

Engaging Herders and Warriors in Inter community Peacebuilding

Inter community conflict among the pastoral societies in Northern Kenya is still depicted mainly by way of livestock rustling and subsequent killing of the herders and warriors. The perpetrators and the victims of cattle rustling are the shepherds, the shepherdess and the Moran/warriors. Cattle rustling occur at the grazing rangelands where the territories of two warring groups converge. Number of peace building initiatives have been have carried out by the Government, Churches and Civil Society Organizations to curb the violent inter-ethnic conflict among the pastoral communities in Northern Kenya over the years. However, most of the peace interventions are held at the market centre and the participants are mainly local leaders and opinion leaders and other town folks that reside in these centers. Peace interventions that directly target the herders and the warriors are limited in number and frequency. CPI Kenya has designed a tailor made peace program for herders and warriors under the title; Engaging Herders and Warriors in Inter community Peacebuilding. The objective of the project is to increase collaboration between herders and warriors of neighboring communities affected by conflict and introduce alternative livelihood projects for herders and warriors to prevent them from engaging in inter-ethnic conflict.

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