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Sustainable Livelihoods Project

Through Sustainable Livelihood Program CPI Kenya intends to work with with Women, Youth, Herders and Warriors across neighboring communitites to diversify livelihoods through entrepreneurship skills development and support (art, craftwork, beekeeping, small-scale agriculture (food & fodder) drought resistant crop varieties and to enable more women and youth access and control over economic resources and limit the engagement of warriors in violence. Joint intercommunity initiatives for women and warriors shall be undertaken to promote peace through engagements in livelihoods project. In order to promote peace through Livelihoods CPI Kenya provided 144 Cow Heifers to foster peace between the Pokot, Samburu and Turkana communities through the families. Heifer for peace project involved giving one heifer to two families of different neighboring tribes which they are expected to look after and share the offsprings. The Heifers were given to connect the families across two warring tribes in order to build cohesion and peace.

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